We are a group of Christian believers who meet together to worship our Creator and Redeemer. In worship, God's people adore Him, bring Him thanks, ask for His help and receive the blessing of His presence. Through the preaching of the gospel, God announces His saving acts and calls people to believing and obedient response to His Word.
Our approach to worship seeks to reverently reflect the awesome holiness of God, the object of our worship.
Through faithful teaching, our members grow spiritually. We seek to obey God's laws because such obedience pleases Him. So we not only embrace the teaching of God's Word, we also strive to demonstrate its application in our lives.
Our church cares about people. We show concern for the poor and for victims of catastrophes and tragedies. We'll show you this love and concern as you involve yourself with us.
Our approach to worship seeks to reverently reflect the awesome holiness of God, the object of our worship.
Through faithful teaching, our members grow spiritually. We seek to obey God's laws because such obedience pleases Him. So we not only embrace the teaching of God's Word, we also strive to demonstrate its application in our lives.
Our church cares about people. We show concern for the poor and for victims of catastrophes and tragedies. We'll show you this love and concern as you involve yourself with us.
What We Believe

Our beliefs are founded on the Word of God and guided by some of the historic confessions of the Protestant Reformation, commonly known as the Westminster Standards:
The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Westminster Larger Catechism
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Westminster Larger Catechism
The Westminster Shorter Catechism

We are a church that believes what the Bible says, and we try, with God's help, to put it into practice. Our heritage is among the early Presbyterian churches of Scotland and Britain. We also identify as a "Reformed" church. This term simply relates us to the great Protestant Reformation, particularly that part of the Reformation following the theological understandings of the French reformer John Calvin in Geneva, John Knox in Scotland and the Puritans of Great Britain. We also share much with other Reformed churches whose heritage includes the churches of the Reformation on the European continent. The confessions of these churches include:
• The Belgic Confession • The Canons of Dort • The Heidelberg Catechism •
• The Belgic Confession • The Canons of Dort • The Heidelberg Catechism •
Our Church Government

From ancient times in the Old Testament, God's church has been led by wise elders, men gifted and called to govern His church. The word "Presbyterian" comes from the New Testament Greek word presbeuteros, meaning "elder." Calaveras Presbyterian Church follows this biblical pattern of church government. Local church elders, including the pastor (teaching elder), form a "Session" to care for the spiritual welfare of our members. Other local officers of the church are "deacons," who care for the poor and handle other administrative matters of the congregation. Together, they are referred to as the "diaconate."
Calaveras Presbyterian Church is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church - Hanover Presbytery.
Calaveras Presbyterian Church is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church - Hanover Presbytery.
Special Church Ministries
Community Ministries We Support or Recommend.