Our theme for this summer's premier Calaveras Presbyterian Church VBS is "Grow Good Fruit." This will be a Bible-rich, fun-filled week! Pastor Brook Moes will be teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit for our "Grow Good Fruit Farmers Market." The CPC Vacation Bible School is scheduled for August 1-5, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., at the Chalcedon Foundation located at 3900 Hwy. 4, Vallecito, Calif. (see map below). All kids K-6th grade from the community are welcome and encouraged to attend. Games, crafts, snacks, music, and great teaching from God's Word — don't miss it!
If you have kids that are planning to attend VBS and you have not yet registered them, would you mind doing so today? We need to know how many craft supplies we need to get and how much food to prepare. If you have friends planning to attend, please share the link with them and ask them to register ASAP as well!